Tuesday, October 23, 2012


I could never ever be a Psychotherapist. It's not just because I have no patience, but the fact I just completely loathe whiners. It's also the reason why I was so irritated by this new wee film that is currently doing the Festival circuit.  Don't be fooled by the title, it is not funny in the least, even when Ed, a call-centre phone operator by day, tries his hand at stand-up comedy at night.

Ed has confused feelings about his Elisa his flatmate which get even more complicated when he gets picked up by Nathan, a young black youth, and they go back to Nathan's rather squalid flat and have some hot torrid sex. When all three of them go out together hear a a band play, Ed loses the plot and goes off on his own. I too lose what little plot there is, but hang on in case something actually happens. But it doesn't.

There is an overly long scene where Nathan and Ed encounter some nasty little homophobic schoolgirls on a bus, but that got nowhere. Meanwhile Ed whined.  About his job, his comedy gigs, Nathan, Elisa, and live in general.  He couldn't see any point to any of it.  It was the only time he and I were on the same page.

Redeeming features?  None! It's British and its bad. This movie is totally dull and irritating and a complete waste of 70 minutes of anyone's time.