Sunday, October 7, 2012


This is one of those annoying movies with a very small story that was dragged out far too long.  A rock musician was returning to his snow covered god-forsaken small home town to agree the final Divorce terms with his wife.  They included giving him half the value of the house, money he much needed to fund his next album, but that also entailed him giving up his custody rights to Ellen their small child. He could take the money and run, or fight the case in court and lose it all.  He so lost all my sympathy when he put the onus on the kid herself in a scene no doubt intended to have us reaching for our kleenex, but I would have made better use of a sick bowl.

Even the presence of a chain smoking Paul Dano couldnt redeem this awkward and clumsy wee film that seemed to have lost its focus almost from the start. 

Totally Missable.