Sunday, October 7, 2012


I readily confess that I am possibly not young enough to fully appreciate INDIE GAMES. It's a new documentary about computer geeks who independently create video games which are very much a staple of daily life for young(er) people these days. (And judging by the film, some not so young too!) A pair of newbie filmmakers followed 4 developers for some months as they tortuously created three new games at the expense of having anything approaching a normal life for years. 

They were on the whole a bunch or irritating whining nerds who's obsessions were beyond annoying, but however the whole process from germinating an idea and pursuing it through all the slow painful process was totally fascinating. The fact that they all elected to do this on their  own outside of the major games maker was admirable and the potential financial rewards, if they succeed, are enormous. If only they were not such a miserable and unattractive bunch!  

P.S. Reprinted from my SUNDANCE 2012 BLOG as the movie is now available on DVD and VOD.