Friday, August 10, 2012


Three separate and unrelated stories about three couples that have no plot to speak off, and the only common denominator is that there are all lonely in their different ways.  As odd as it sounds (and is!) film-maker Adam Reid’s far from perfect debut movie has just enough endearing moments to make it watchable.

Bill is a gruff middle-aged voice-over actor who works from his home studio and never manages to put more than a pair of underpants on most days.  Since his wife left him, and his grown up daughter will never even return his phone calls, he is stuck in his rather remote house and his only ‘friend’ is Omar the delivery mans who calls most days.

Eleanor is an elderly widow who divides her time between mopping around for her late husband and polishing their prized classic car, but when she gets her driving license revoked, she allows herself to be taken grocery shopping by her much younger rather dry divorced neighbor and a quasi romance starts.

Gordon is a hip young man who spends his time online placing bets on sports and picking up women.  This time he wins big time on both counts, but just after he meets and falls for Debby she gives him some major news, which will put their new relationship on a totally unexpected track.

There are glaring holes throughout this whole movie and at times the stilted script is a tad too irritating, but equally there is something strangely intriguing about these interminably sad folks.  It has pathos but a good helping of humanity too

It has the hallmarks of a real work of love as Mr Reid wrote, directed, produced and filmed it himself all in 15 days with a miniscule budget (which doesnt show). He picked up an Independent Spirit Nomination for his efforts along the way.  It will be interesting to see what comes next from him ….. but meanwhile maybe think about taking a spin on this one.