Wednesday, July 6, 2011


A wonderful insight behind the scenes of one of the world’s greatest newspapers in a tumultuous period where it deals with its very own survival, as well as competing newspaper groups, in a rapidly evolving new world that has completely changed the landscape of the news media.  The other major news story the movie focuses on is the emergence of Wiki Leaks and its power-mad and somewhat unstable leader Julian Assange who proves to be as difficult to handle as the news he wants to process.

This riveting movie makes compelling viewing as you realize how very earnest the editorial team are in their efforts to maintain an impeccably high standard in all their reporting and writing.  The one star that shines bright from this documentary is David Carr who emerged from his own very colorful and drug hazed past to become one of the very best analysts and commentators on current media affairs. He is a real joy to listen too, and I’m going to ensure that (along with the must-read pieces from op-ed writer Maureen Dowd)  I will never miss Mr. Carr’s work ever again in the future.  Totally fascinating.
