Saturday, July 23, 2011


Theo is a bored wedding photographer who has developed a slightly dubious side gig of stalking and taking photographs of paying customers whilst hidden from sight.  And he seems to have quite a nice life too with a great apartment in fashionable Brooklyn, a very pretty guitar playing fiancee ... and a  cute dog too.

One day he gets hired by the anonymous Subgirl who wants him to surreptitiously take pictures of whilst she is pleasuring herself in a public park in broad day light. Now firmly in the ride of voyeur with this total stranger exhibitionist which soon becomes an obsession with him and he neglects his work, and more importantly his fiancée and starts to question the whole validity of their impending marriage.

There is no rhyme of reason why Theo should jeopardize it all, especially as he never even meets Subgirl, but then that's why it is called an obsession.  There is no logic to the path he is following, and Theo's confusion with the mess he is creating is so perfectly demonstrated in a rather skillful and touching break-up scene when he literally cannot get a coherent word out.

This is small pleasant movie that picked up an Award at Tribeca Film Festival and had the minutest of runs in theaters here. It's the debut feature from Academy Award Nominated documentray filmmaker Dana Adam Shapiro.  Now out on dvd, and although it may not be one you will want to rush out and get, it's still worth a look .... if nothing else for handsome Chris Messina playing Theo, and Rashida Jones (The Social Network) playing the poor put upon FiancĂ©.

Click for Trailer