Sunday, January 2, 2011


Hard to believe it is even summer in this weather station located on a remote island off Russia’s most northern coast as the two sole inhabitants still need plenty of layers of clothing when they go outside to take readings from the instruments that they monitor.  The older meteorologist Segei has little in common with Pavel the newbie, and their conversations are sparse and confined to work matters.  Sergei takes a few unofficial days off to go fishing leaving young Pavel in charge when a call comes in from the Base Station announcing that Sergei’s wife and son have been killed in an accident.  When Sergei returns Pavel simply cannot bring himself to reveal his secret and hopes that the Rescue Team on their way will be the bearer of bad news.  But things never works out as planned and there is an unexpected twist at the end that ratchets up the tension more than a notch or two.
This two superb actors share the credit for this rather wonderful slow burner of a movie with a stunning panorama of a severe landscape that is so beautifully photographed.  If you like you movies fast paced then this is not for you, but if you are prepared to watch a minimalist psychological drama then I think you’ll like this one.
Click For Trailer