A young boy leaves the comfort of the big city where he lives with his Italian mother to make the long trek to join his Mayan father on a remote coral reef off the Mexico coast. The parents are divorced so this is an opportunity for the lad to get right back to nature and bond with his father and grandfather as they go about their very primitive life.
And that’s the whole sum of it. Three generations of men in the middle of a very beautiful nowhere where nothing beyond just surviving ever happens. The view is unquestionably breathtaking but the sheer slowness of this quasi documentary, where the most exciting thing to watch is men fishing, can only be described as painful.
Why did I sit through it all? Well it arrived on my screen via Film Movement who I subscribe too and they send me one unsolicited movie every month, and have so far introduced me to some real treats that I would have otherwise missed. And I sat through it so you wouldn’t have too. If you have a pang to see the Mexican Caribbean, than go rent out a National Geographic Travelogue… or better still, get on a plane and see the real thing.
★★★Click For Trailer