His 'Act' however is far from keen to be performing in a war zone and no sooner have they landed in Kabul, she runs off taking Lanz's money and passport with her too. Penniless and stranded, Lanz hooks up with some ex-pat arms dealers and gets involved in a scam to sell bad ammunition to a remote Pashun village. It is there that he accidentally discovers a remarkable young singer who he is convinced is enormously talented. The trouble is that as she is a girl she is totally forbidden to perform according to their very patriarchal culture. To do so could put her life at risk, and Lanz's too if he insists on helping her.
This preposterously silly story is based on a real incident when a young local girl was actually brave enough to actually appear on Afghan Star , a TV show that is their equivalent to American Idol. However this take on it, written by Mitch Glazer and directed by Barry Levinson, uses that fact simply to build a rather ridiculously contrived story purely as a vehicle for Murray's wonderfully comic performance.
The casting is a little bizarre too. Some of it works exceedingly well like Zooey Deschanel who shines as the singer who cannot get out of the country quick enough, and Bruce Willis who is quite brilliant as a strung-out mercenary with a very dull sense of humor. On the other hand Kate Hudson as the hooker who is all heart as she works servicing the locals from her Double Wide, looks decidedly uncomfortable out of place.
As a vehicle for Murray, it works well most of the time, and devoted fans will love seeing what he does best yet once again. Others however may thing it drags a little too much. A little like the war itself.