Then one day out of the blue Finkel received a phone call from a local newspaperman who alerted him to the fact that when an accused murderer on the run was finally caught down in Mexico, the authorities discovered that the man had been using Finkel's identity. The news triggers off a light bulb in the journalist's mind who thinks that not only is there possibly be a big story here, but it could be the ver thing he needed to help redeem his shattered reputation.
When Finkel meets the man ... Christian Longo .... in jail awaiting his Trial, he strikes up a bargain with him. Longo, who implies he is innocent, will tell the truth exclusively to Finkel to be published when the case is settled, on condition that he teaches him how to become a writer.
Finkel takes the bait, gets himself a lucrative book deal on the basis of it, and starts to get the story down on paper. The trouble is, the more immersed he is in the project, the more he realizes that what Longo is feeding him is edited highlights of his story and that he is obviously holding back on some of the more essential parts of the tale. There is also the question of exactly how much is really true, and is in fact Longo even innocent after all. Whilst this is all completely absorbing a rather obsessed and troubled Finkel, his wife is feeling ignored, and in a very odd scene which made little sense, is seen reaching out to Longo for sympathy via the phone.
True Story is based on a real true story. It just turns out it was not an interesting one after all.