One night after the band's keyboard players tries to top himself, Jon an office geek who spends all his spare time composing dreadful songs about his work mates or anyone he passes in the street, steps up and offers his services. After Don the Manager ratifies he knows how to play C, F & G, then Jon's got the job and is now a full member of the band with the unpronounceable name : The Soronprfbs.
The band includes Clara the ice-cold theremin player who has the hots for Frank and deeply dislikes everyone. Especially Jon although it doesn't stop her sleeping with him. Whilst she and Frank insist on creating experimental abstract pieces Jon is desperate to be playing something more akin to the banal pop songs that he is addicted too. Its obvious that this is not going to pan out well, and when they reach the SXSW Festival it all falls apart.
Lenny Abrahamson's completely bizarre but unquestionable genius comedy is actually based on a real life Frank. Writer Jon Ronson played in such a band led by an English comedian/musician Chris Sievey who developed a persona known as Frank Sidebottom, complete with paper mache head. The setting here though is the US and the story is total fictional. Mainly. But by all accounts that I have read, the movie completely captures the manic originality of the demonic Sidebottom that is never far from being sheer ridiculous.
This movie is definitely an acquired taste. But if you like quirky, totally off-the-wall, odd-ball humor, then you will so love this one. Unlike the eccentric music, there is much to really savor and enjoy in this weird and wonderful comedy.