Monday, July 16, 2012


There is no magic or tricks of any kind in this extremely disappointing monotonous flick about a bunch of male strippers in Florida that much respected filmmaker Steven Soderbergh has obviously made for pubescent teenage girls.  (And maybe very bored housewives)  Starring pretty boy Channing Tatum who with his all American boy look proves he is a stunning sexy dancer but frankly he could not act to save his life (or this movie).

Channing plays Mike a star stripper and entrepreneur of several unsuccessful businesses who is promised a share of the equity of the Club he performs in when the sleazy owner manages to re-locate to bigger premises in Miami Beach. On one of his many other jobs on a construction site he meets Adam (a very hot Alex Pettyfer), and he takes the younger guy under his wing and teaches him how to strip, pick up women and make easy money.

Mike has been having an on-off ‘relationship’ with Joanna who he enjoys ménage a trois’s with but when he meets Adam’s sister Brooke he decides he wants to date her ‘properly' like a real girlfriend. This new development is so unconvincing as there is not a strand of chemistry between the two of them at all.  By the time impressionable Adam falls in with a bad set and Mike has to rescue him despite that the fact that Brooke blames him for everything, we simply no longer care at all about anything else besides wishing this movie is over.

This very weak and implausible story by newbie writer Reid Carolin (who also plays Paul one of the strippers) is really an excuse for them to simply showcase all the stripping routines, and it would probably have been a better movie if they had skipped the plot completely.

Despite its 'R' rating the whole affair is very tame indeed and there is no full frontal nudity and no sex.  But the thing that threw me most was the fact that Oscar Winner Steven Soderburgh was at the helm.   From 'Traffic'  and  'Sex, Lies & Videotape'  to 'Magic Mike'?  Really?

The plot was boring, the acting is without exception lame so the rating below is just for the very hot dancing.  If you insist on watching this, wait for the DVD where you can fast forward through. Meanwhile this has been a big box-office smash so there are already plans to make Magic Mike 2!  And the only thing I can guarantee about that, is that you will not see it reviewed in this Blog.