This 4th feature film directed by Lynn Shelton ('HUMPDAY') tells the story of Jack who hasn't recovered from the unexpected death of his brother, and one year on is still drifting aimlessly through life broke and without a job. His best friend Iris, who also happens to have once been his brother's girlfriend, stages an 'Intervention' and insists he literally gets on his bike and catches a Ferry to a remote island where her father has a hideaway. When he arrives at the house in the middle of the night he discovers its already occupied by Hannah, Iris's sister, who has the same of idea of escaping the world as she has just broken up with her girlfriend of seven years. So both trapped in the house and feeling sorry for themselves they get absolutely smashed and end up in bed for some very unfulfilling sex.
This wee entrancing and delightful movie was evidently shot in just 10 days and binds together so well with spot on performances by the three actors. Iris is played by Emily Blunt, Rosemarie Dewitt plays Hannah her sister, and Mark Duplass is the quick-witted Jack. Mr.Duplass (one half of the filmmaking Duplass Brothers who wrote, directed, produced and sometimes acted in, three excellent movies : 'The Puffy Chair', 'Cyrus' and 'Baghead') actually conceived the plot which he took to Lynn Shelton (he had starred in 'Humpday') and most of the script was improvised. Maybe that's why it felt so fresh and engaging
Mr. Duplass and Ms Shelton are very busy people it would seem. They both act in another movie at Sundance 'SAFETY NOT GUARANTEED' and if that is not enough for the prodigious Mr Duplass he also wrote the screenplay for his actress wife Kate Aselton who's directing debut 'BLACK ROCK' is premiering here too. Mr and Mrs Duplass also both star together in the TV series 'The League' !
(This review was part of my SUNDANCE 2012 Blog and is reproduced here now as the movie begins its theatrical release).