Most of the key people that take part in this crucial Democratic Presidential Primary are hard-nosed jaded campaign veterans who are realists and who fight hard, and sometimes dirty, to win, Trying to ensure that Pennsylvania Gov. Mike Morris (George Clooney) is the victor is a Team led by his uncompromising Campaign Manger Paul Zara (Philip Seymour Hoffman) who insists on doing everything by the rules. His rules. That doesn’t always sit so easily with whizz-kid Press Secretary Steven Myers (Ryan Gosling) a passionate idealist who’s considered the best in his game feeding the spin to the Press.
It seems like the Gov. has this one in the bag but when his opponent's conniving Campaign Manager (Paul Giametti) tries to lure Steven away and swap sides, things start to unfurl rather messily for all. Motives are questioned, stories are leaked, and Steven discovers he is not the only one who has been sleeping with Molly the pretty Intern.
This rather engaging political thriller has a great script (it was based on a very successful Broadway play) even though the story line is a tad weak/predictable. Directed by George Clooney (who co-wrote the screenplay) and starred in it, and who is generous to a fault in letting his stellar cast really shine through. This is after all Steven’s story, and Ryan Gosling does more than justice in this starring role showing how yet once again how superb he at playing men who have intense convictions. (Think 'Lars & The Girl', 'Drive' & Half Nelson'). He is also as hot as hell too.
Along with Mr. Seymour Hoffman & Mr. Giametti who are never any less than formidable there is Jeffery Wright as the double-dealing Senator selling his crucial endorsement to the highest bidder; Evan Rachel Wood, who is totally alluring as Molly, and young Brit Max Mingella in a supporting role that would have made his dad (Anthony) real proud.
This is a genre that I really love especially watching the power struggle with all the manipulation of anything and everything as a means to an end. And the sheer arrogance of politicians who think that their dirty little secrets will stay hidden forever. Great fun.