Saturday, May 21, 2011


When it comes to choosing a movie, you should always trust your instincts. Especially when you’ve been trapped at home for couple of weeks nursing a fever and your desperate need for cheering yourself up colors your judgements. I thought with obtaining MovieReviewIntelligence highest rating of ‘excellent’ as a result of so many respected critics loving this movie, my enjoyment would be a sure bet.  Nope.  The best thing I could say about this crude comedy that us about the run up to a wedding where the Matron on Honor’s life is in the pits and sinking even lower, was mildly amusing.  

Perhaps its because I am not comfortable with situations which squeeze every ounce of pain out of someone’s misfortune to milk it for its comedic  possibilities.   Or maybe because I simply appreciaate the fact that because a situation is crude  it’s automatically considered funny.

That said I must say that I thought Kristin Wiig in her first major movie role was a real joy to watch, as was Maya Rudolph as the Bride, and Rose Bryne as the nouveau riche new best friend.

My  ‘mission statement’ for this Blog states that I do not do Hollywood Blockbusters, and I assuming that if you are a regular reader, nether do you. But I did try.  And fail.  Don’t watch this space for my next attempt, as it will be a very long time coming.
