To select a Animated Movie for the Opening Night Gala of an International Film Festival is a brave decision, and in Miami it almost worked.
The movie was Chico & Rita, a delightful narrative that traced the whole incredible culture of Cuban music over the past 60 years and the major influences it had on musicians in the US and indeed all around the world. Told as a love story between two struggling musicians each battling their own demons and also fighting the deeply inbred racism of the period, it is a magnificent showcase of some incredibly wonderful music. Totally visually stunning with some magnificent art direction, it‘s sad then that the story line lacks real clarity and fails to really engage one’s attention sufficiently.
Worth viewing for the artwork and music alone, and even though unlike many of my neighbors here, I am a ‘gringo’, as I watched the movie, I too had this over-whelming desire to want to go back in time to the Havana of those days.
Click for Trailer