Peter Highman is a fastidious highly-strung architect is catching a fight from Atlanta to go home to L.A. to be at the birth of his first child when a noisy and somewhat nonsensical encounter with Ethan Tremblay, a very affected aspiring actor, is overheard by the Flight Crew who have both men whisked off the plane as a potential security threat, and they are subsequently placed on a NO Fly List and the only way they have to get to L.A. is by rented car. Trouble is Peter’s wallet is still on board with his luggage so he is forced to share the ride with the Ethan who he now hates.
I can honestly say that this is one of THE worst ‘road movies’ I have ever had to sit through. Clichéd, excessive, puerile, patronizing trivial: do I need to go on? And I now think that the grossly annoying Zach Galifianakis is not the great new comic talent that his is hyped to be. Even the fact that Peter was played by the fabulous Mr. Downey Jnr. who did managed to make my occasional grin, but even he could not redeem his otherwise piece of ridicules nonsense. Indeed he is the only reason I stayed to the very end: that and the fact that my friend Marc who chose the movie, was buying dinner.
R.T.V. Skip the movie, and go straight to dinner then maybe pick up either 'Iron Man' or "Tropic of Thunder' at the Video Store to see Mr Downey really shine.